Other filters

On Jobeffekter.dk the target group can be delimited further with variables such as sex and age.

When selecting your target group you can choose to filter your job effect search based on gender, age, level of education and other characteristics. When filtering a search, only the results for the selected target group and intervention will be included in the job effect searched. The possible filters of the target group on characteristics and sub-categories are described below.


Under gender, you can select whether you want to see the job effect for:

  • Men
  • Women
  • Both men and women


Under age, you can select whether you want to see the job effect for:

  • Young individuals
  • Adults
  • Seniors
  • Young individuals and adults
  • Adults and seniors
  • Young individuals, adults and seniors

Young individuals are defined as individuals under the age of 30, adults are defined as individuals aged 30-59 years and seniors are defined as individuals at the age of 60 and older.

Level of education

Under level of education, you can select which of the following levels of education you want to see the job effect:

  • Unskilled
  • Skilled
  • Further and higher education
  • Level of education not specified

Unskilled comprises individuals who have lower secondary education, upper secondary education or no education. Skilled comprises individuals who have vocational training, whereas further and higher education covers individuals with short-cycle higher education, medium-cycle higher education or long-cycle higher education, a bachelor's degree or researcher training. When choosing "Level of education not specified" all study results will be shown unfiltered by the level of education. 

Other characteristics

Under other characteristics, you can select whether you want to see the job effect for:

  • Single parents
  • Immigrants/Descendants of immigrants
  • Addicts
  • Criminals/Former criminals
  • Other characteristics not specified 

When choosing "Other characteristics not specified" all study results will be shown unregarded if the result is related to one or more of the other characteristics.